Enhancing Productivity In Network Marketing Through Time Management – Start your free trial today, then use these resources to guide you every step of the way.
Effective time management is important for anyone, but it’s especially important for entrepreneurs. We asked a variety of productivity experts to share their best time management tips. Experiment with this list to find the methods that work best for you.
Enhancing Productivity In Network Marketing Through Time Management
Time management is how you organize and divide your time into different activities. Good time management strategies will increase your productivity and productivity.
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Since entrepreneurs are ultimately responsible for every aspect of their business, allocating the right amount of time is essential to making your business run smoothly.
Better time management isn’t just about working harder, it’s about working smarter. We asked productivity experts to share their best time management tips. Use this list of techniques to find the strategies that work best for you.
To make the most of your time, start by understanding where your time is going. There are great time management apps out there for tracking time, but honestly, I like to keep it light – Marc Andreessen’s notebook system has always worked for me.
In a simple three to five notebook, jot down your main daily activities. On the back of the card, you should write down the things you accomplished that you didn’t initially plan to do overnight, and the workday always likes to steal a lot of extra information.
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When you look at your three to five cards at the end of the day, you’ll see what you’ve focused on (and if you’ve accomplished) and what tasks have been added to your plate. A side job is fine, but if you don’t clear your main task day in and day out, something is wrong.
For me, if it’s not planned, it’s not done! So scheduling each hour of my workday is critical to being focused and productive. Even “free time” to pursue interests is placed on the calendar.
If it’s not planned, it won’t happen! I break my goals down into very small achievable tasks each day.
Each step should take no more than an hour a day to complete. If I find that this step takes more than an hour to complete, I haven’t broken it down enough.
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Even if I finish that day’s steps early, I’ll hold myself back from doing the next step. I know it sounds counterintuitive, but doing this keeps me from burning out, and I’m more interested in work the next day. This strategy also prevents me from “half-doing” a step, which isn’t as good as getting everything done that day.
Managing my time means planning it ahead. The last 30 minutes of my day are usually spent organizing the next workday.
Know your personal and professional priorities and plan your priorities in your calendar. Everything else has to fit around them or be discarded.
Get a great assistant who can entrust you with scheduling and other regular activities. This person can be your greatest productivity booster and stress reliever.
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Rather than starting at the top of your list and working your way down, take a few minutes to review the entire list. Then prepare similar tasks together. You may have projects such as phone, finance, web, paper documents or creative activities.
By grouping (or grouping) activities that are similar in nature, your brain doesn’t have to jump from one type of thinking to another. The transition becomes smoother. As you complete related tasks, you’ll gain motivation, and in some cases, actually speed up!
These days, it seems like we all have less time to accomplish the things we want to do. The Internet and social media have accelerated how you get your news, how you communicate with people, and how you interact with your customers. It’s also caused us all to develop some bad habits, one of which is multitasking.
According to research conducted by the American Psychological Association, multitasking doesn’t save you time. In fact, it disrupts your workflow, increases your stress levels, and ultimately hinders your overall performance.
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A Stanford study reports that multitasking affects your long-term and short-term memory. Chronic day-to-day multitasking actually affects your ability to store and use information in your mind, and your ability to access information.
“All task switching comes with a neural cost,” says neuroscientist Daniel Levitin. “It consumes resources, so if after an hour or two of trying to multitask, we find that we’re tired and can’t focus, it’s because those neurochemicals that we need to focus on are now gone.”
Now take that project or that work product and break it down into smaller sub-tasks and schedule some time tracking or how long it will take to complete each task, even if it’s five minutes.
So be realistic about what you want to accomplish so you know when you’ve succeeded, and check it off the list to get that dopamine hit. Motivated, and happy to continue working.
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Otherwise we have a tendency to wake up and deliberately jump into work, and then work for hours and hours without feeling like we’ve accomplished what we set out to accomplish.
Resting makes you more productive. In fact, William S. Helton, professor of human factors and applied cognition at George Mason University, has shown that short breaks can improve focus.
He and some colleagues conducted an experiment in which they tested two groups of university students who had to monitor a series of railroad tracks on a screen. One group was given no rest for the entire forty-five minutes, and the other group was given a five-minute break halfway through the task.
A second group was given a variety of activities in which they were allowed to settle for five minutes. Regardless of the activity, the second group had a significant improvement in their performance.
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Research also shows the importance of the time off you take. Psychology Today suggests the importance of staying away from notifications, text messages and your devices. Go for a walk in nature, go hiking, or exercise—something that won’t strain your brain or eyes.
If you want to continue to perform at your best, keep this time management tool in your toolbox and make it a priority.
How you manage your time is only as relevant as controlling your focus on the task at hand. This is because if you allocate time to one thing, but switch that time between several different tasks, the end result may be different than you intended. Controlling your attention means effectively managing internal and external distractions and working faster for higher quality work.
Organization is an important time management technique. “Research shows that too much clutter and distraction can limit our ability to focus and concentrate,” says Jennifer Verdolin, Ph.D., assistant professor at the University of Arizona. He then goes on to show how orderliness in the animal world helps animals perform at their best.
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Organization doesn’t just mean keeping your space physically organized, it also means being mentally organized. Unlike Proposition 4, mental organization is not about grouping similar tasks, but about prioritizing what needs to be done. So set goals for your day and try dividing your tasks into the following categories:
As an entrepreneur, you are in too much capacity because you are all there. There will be time. You will need time, energy and attention. If you rush right out of the gate, you’ll tire yourself.
Do you know what is good enough for each item on the list? It’s good enough for the organization, it’s good enough for you. Overthinking, editing, and changing wastes valuable time and is unnecessary. Do something good, then stop.
So we often find time management to increase our efficiency. But some effective people I know are not effective at time management. The key is to be efficient, work on what’s most important and leave everything else behind.
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Schedule two to four hours into your weekly schedule. This time has no agenda other than learning, exploring and thinking. To many busy entrepreneurs, this may seem counterintuitive or simply impractical. However, research supports the importance of being “loose” in your schedule in two ways:
Take your time and do the “right thing”. It is not good to work under constant pressure. Feeling anxious and overwhelmed is not good. Do you regret the decision you made? Stop.
You should not judge your success by your own results. The most positive results may come from the things you don’t have to do. Do what’s most important in the morning – studies show after use
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